Cathedral of St. Paul
The Cathedral of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania
Cathedral News
Cathedral night at the Bayhawks
Friday, January 10 at 7:30 pm
Please join the Cathedral Choirs at the Erie Insurance Arena on Friday, January 10, at 7:30 pm for a Bayhawks game. The Choirs will sing the National Anthem and there will be a reserved section for Cathedral members and friends. Tickets are $8.00 each.
Please sign up in the Commons or email Sharon Downey.
The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Christmas at the Cathedral
Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve
Pre-service music begins 20 minutes before each service
5:00 pm Holy Eucharist
Music by the Cathedral Choir, organ and timpani
Childcare available
10 pm Solemn High Mass
Music by the Cathedral Schola, organ and viola
Wednesday, December 25: Christmas Day
10:00 am Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Christmas Pageant 2013
Sunday, December 15 at 11:30 am
One of the highlights of our church year is the Christmas Pageant, and this year’s performance promises to be unforgettable. Our pageant is an original script, written by one of our Cathedral teens, Josie Noyes.
A complete rehearsal schedule, cast and costume information is available here: Christmas Pageant 2013 info
A Festival Service of Advent Lessons & Carols
Thanksgiving Day Holy Eucharist
Commemoration of CS Lewis
Sunday, November 17 at the 10 am Holy Eucharist
Join us for a special morning at the Cathedral. We will be commemorating the 50 year anniversary of the death of CS Lewis in word and song during the 10 am service. Also that morning, we will celebrate the admission and promotion of members of our Cathedral Children’s Choir, as well as the baptism of Reid Fox Warren. We hope you will join us.
Kick-Off Brunch for the Cathedral’s Capital Campaign
Gratitude and Generosity: The Time is Now
All Saints Sunday, November 3 at 11:15 am
All members and friends of the Cathedral of St. Paul are invited to attend this important event. Learn more about our financial situation and what has been pledged to date. Hear details and see renderings of the proposed upgrades to our facilities.
Nursery care will be provided for infants and toddlers as well as supervised activities for children.
Please RSVP to no later than October 30, 2013.
Music for a While
Sunday, November 3 at 4 pm
The Cathedral is pleased to present Music for a While in concert on Sunday, November 3, at 4 pm. They have presented concerts in Warren and Greenville, and Erie, PA as well as in western New York. Mr. Allan Slovenkay, member of the Cathedral congregation, is the founder of the group and will play the harpsichord and chamber organ on the concert. The featured artist for the November 3 program is Ken Johnston, Concertmaster of the Erie Philharmonic. Other instrumentalists are Maureen Conlon-Dorosh on the violin, Mark Dubois on the oboe and Bryan Eckenrode on the cello. Margaret Andraso and John Myers, both members of the Cathedral Choir, are the soprano and bass soloists. The program will include works by Handel, J. S. Bach, Loeillet and Corelli. Please invite your friends and join us for a lovely afternoon with Music for a While.
Announcing: Capital Campaign 2013
October 2, 2013
After hearing from over 100 Cathedral members and friends who attended Focus Groups in September, and after prayerful deliberation and discussion, the Dean and Chapter have unanimously decided to move forward with a Capital Campaign. This Campaign will take place over the next several weeks and will be completed early in December. During those weeks, we will all be given the opportunity to learn more about our Cathedral community and mission and to consider how we can support that mission through upgrading and improving our facilities and providing for sustainable financial support and new outreach initiatives.
You are invited to take time each day to pray for this Campaign and its purposes. Noonday Prayer will be offered in the All Saints Chapel at 12:10 pm Monday through Friday (Eucharist on Wednesdays) beginning October 7 through December 6. You are welcome to join us in the Chapel or to pray with us wherever you may be.
Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of life, for the gift of new life in Christ, and for our calling to be part of the community of faith, worship and mission we know and love as the Cathedral of Saint Paul. We are grateful for its rich history and the legacy of those who have supported the Cathedral through their work, prayer, and gifts. We give thanks as well for our current vitality and promise. We pray that we will now open our hearts and minds to become generous in working, praying, and giving, so that your mission through the Cathedral may be strengthened for these days, and for years to come. We ask this through Jesus Christ. Amen.